Monday, 16 May 2011

Announcement sent on 13 May 2011

Dear Co-owners

As you will recollect, an email / letter was sent out on 29 April 2011 to inform you all of Mr Goomanee's temporary appointment as Caretaker Manager subject to no objections from co-owners within a 7-day period.  Since no objection was received, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Goomanee as our new Syndic.

The CS met yesterday 12 May 2011 to look at Mr Goomanee's proposed work schedule for Residence D'Epinay.  For Governance purposes, we have also recorded Mr Goomanee's appointment as Syndic pending ratification at our next EGM which will be held in June 2011.

Mr Goomanee will share his contact details with all co-owners shortly.  Please join me in welcoming him amongst our community and wishing him well in his endeavour.

Best Regards
Irshad Paurobally
President CS 2011

Logo Competition for Residence D'Epinay sent on 10 May 2011

Dear Co-Owners

As you would have seen from posters on the notice boards since last month, the Conseil Syndical is organising a logo competition for Residence D'Epinay (Poster attached)  The deadline for submission of entries, which had initially been set to be on 9 May 2011 has been extended to 27 May 2011 to encourage a wider participation.

We would be glad if you could send us your creative ideas by email.  Entries are welcome from all, including residents, family members and friends.

Thank you.

Kind Regards
Irshad Paurobally
President CS 2011

Tip to Co-owners sent on 3 May 2011

Dear Co-owners,

Owing to the current water shortage in Mare aux Vacoas reservoir, the CWA will be effecting drastic cuts to the water supply for the Plaines Wilhems district.  Quatre Bornes will also be concerned and this will now mean that water will only be supplied once daily.  These measures have started since Monday 2 May 2011.

As responsible citizens and members of the community of Residence D’Epinay, it is in our mutual interest to save water and prevent wastage.  As such, residents are encouraged to contribute by adopting the following best practices:

§  Let's check for leaks- hidden water leaks can be wasting water without us even being aware of it.
§  Fixing any dripping tap will prevent us from wasting 90 litres a week, which will cost a lot more than what might just be the price of a new washer.

§  Let's turn off our taps while cleaning our teeth, shaving or washing our face. We can waste up to 9 litres a minute by just letting the water pour down the sink.
§  Taking a short shower rather than a bath could save up to 400 litres a week.
§  Fitting a water saving device in your cistern to save when flushing, can save 3 litres a flush.

§  Let's try not to overfill the kettle when making a cup of tea. We need only fill and boil what we need- this will save us money on our energy costs too.
§  Keeping water in the fridge so as not to run water down the sink to have a cold drink.

Utility Room
§   Let's use the washing machine and the dishwasher when we can put on a full load. It wastes both water and energy to run only a half full machine.

§  Let's use a broom and bucket of water for washing down the balcony rather than a steady flow of water from the hose.

Thank you
CS 2011

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Message from the President sent on 4 May 2011

Fellow co-owners,

We are launching our first CS Community survey to learn about the experiences of apartment co-owners of Residence D'Epinay.

The survey asks co-owners about their experiences with buying and living in Residence D'Epinay, especially with respect to the Syndic, the Security, the Environment and the Conseil Syndical.

The survey will provide a broad snapshot of co-owners' experiences with their apartments. The results will help inform all co-owners of the concerns of the community and where the priorities and focus of the Syndic and the Conseil Syndical of Residence D'Epinay should be.

Kind Regards
Irshad Paurobally
President CS 2011

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Letter to Co-owners dated 4 May 2011

Dear Co-owner

In my email dated 29 April 2011, I mentioned that I will endeavour to meet with all co-owners of Residence D’Epinay in view of taking note of your concerns and where you feel the priorities and focus of the Syndic and Conseil Syndical ought to be.  Therefore, I would be very grateful if we could arrange for a meeting together to discuss how we can better our lives as fellow members of the community.  

Nevertheless, knowing that you may have a very busy schedule ahead, you might still find it easier to provide me with your feedback by filling in the survey attached.  You will find an introductory letter with a quick, easy-to-fill questionnaire which is being circulated amongst all co-owners in view of gathering their views.

You may send it back to me by replying on this email: 


send by post to me: 
c/o Miss Patel 
Apart 6, Level 1
Residence D'Epinay 
D'Epinay Avenue 
Quatre Bornes
I thank you in anticipation and look forward to meeting you soon.

Kind Regards
Irshad Paurobally
President CS 2011

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Letter to Co-owners dated 29 April 2011

Dear Co-owners,

You may be aware already that Mr Vijay Mungur resigned as President of the Conseil Syndical of Residence D'Epinay owing to his professional commitments .Following the CS meeting held on 23 April 2011, I have been elected President.

Furthermore I wish to inform you that mySpace Ltd, represented by Mr Lamy, has resigned as Syndic. To quote his own words, “conscious of the inability of mySpace Ltd during the course of the latter part of March and the month of April to meet with the expectations of the Conseil Syndical”, this despite having been given time as he requested to get himself reorganised.
Not wishing to delay any longer so many (not to say all) urgent and critical issues, which have been left unattended so far by the Syndic, the CS has accepted his resignation to take effect as from 30th April 2011 so as to proceed with his replacement as soon as possible.  In this respect, the CS has also unanimously proposed that Mr Goomany be appointed as Syndic, having been voted second best during the EGM of 13 February 2011.  This appointment will be temporary pending a formal ratification at the next EGM which will be convened by June 2011.  Any objection to the appointment of Mr Goomany as syndic needs to reach the CS within 7 days from the date of this communication.

All accounts and documents pertaining to Residence D'Epinay will be handed over to the Conseil Syndical by mySpace Ltd, with a comprehensive audit being carried out at our end over the next two weeks to ensure that the records and accounts are in order.  As such, Ms Patel, Treasurer of the CS will be contacting co-owners shortly; your collaboration would be most appreciated.

Being new in the function, I will endeavour to meet all co-owners of Residence D’Epinay within the next two weeks in view of taking note of your concerns and where you feel the priorities and focus of the Syndic and Conseil Syndical ought to be.

Kindly find attached the minutes of meeting of the EGM held on 13th February 2011 attached.
I look forward to serving our community to the best of my abilities and look forward to your support and collaboration.

Kind Regards
Irshad Paurobally
President CS 2011

Monday, 2 May 2011

Team Members - Team Players


Welcome to the first blog dedicated to Residence D'Epinay in Quatre Bornes.

As President of the board (Conseil Syndical), I will be posting details as well as any other information which co-owners as well as residents may find interesting.

I will be updating this blog throughout the year, so please feel free to share your thoughts and make suggestions as we go along. Most of all, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I will.

Will keep you posted,