Dear Co-owners,
Owing to the current water shortage in Mare aux Vacoas reservoir, the CWA will be effecting drastic cuts to the water supply for the Plaines Wilhems district. Quatre Bornes will also be concerned and this will now mean that water will only be supplied once daily. These measures have started since Monday 2 May 2011.
As responsible citizens and members of the community of Residence D’Epinay, it is in our mutual interest to save water and prevent wastage. As such, residents are encouraged to contribute by adopting the following best practices:
§ Let's check for leaks- hidden water leaks can be wasting water without us even being aware of it.
§ Fixing any dripping tap will prevent us from wasting 90 litres a week, which will cost a lot more than what might just be the price of a new washer.
§ Let's turn off our taps while cleaning our teeth, shaving or washing our face. We can waste up to 9 litres a minute by just letting the water pour down the sink.
§ Taking a short shower rather than a bath could save up to 400 litres a week.
§ Fitting a water saving device in your cistern to save when flushing, can save 3 litres a flush.
§ Let's try not to overfill the kettle when making a cup of tea. We need only fill and boil what we need- this will save us money on our energy costs too.
§ Keeping water in the fridge so as not to run water down the sink to have a cold drink.
Utility Room
§ Let's use the washing machine and the dishwasher when we can put on a full load. It wastes both water and energy to run only a half full machine.
§ Let's use a broom and bucket of water for washing down the balcony rather than a steady flow of water from the hose.
Thank you
CS 2011