Status: Co-owner residing in Building Co-owner not residing in Building Co-owner’s relative residing in Building Tenant
Syndic 1. Are you aware of the role of the Syndic? Yes/ No
2. How would you rate the performance of the Syndic thus far? Very Poor/ Poor/ Indifferent/ Strong/ Very Strong
3. Do you have the contact details of the Syndic? Yes/ No
4. Are you satisfied with the communication level of the Syndic? Yes/ Indifferent/ No
5. What would you like to see from the Syndic? ....................................................................................................
Security 6. How would you rate the security infrastructure of the building? Very Poor/ Poor/ Indifferent/ Strong/ Very Strong
7. What do you think of the idea of a structurally pleasant security gate for the front entrance of the building? Very Good/ Good/ Indifferent/ Bad/ Very Bad
8. What do you think of the idea of resurfacing both parkings by professionals? Very Good/ Good/ Indifferent/ Bad/ Very Bad
9. How would you rate the security personnel of Residence D'Epinay?
10. Would you have any specific suggestions with respect to security? ....................................................................................................
Questionnaire- Part 2 of 2
Environment 11. How would you rate the cleanliness of Residence D'Epinay? Very Clean/ Clean/ Indifferent/ Dirty/ Very Dirty
12. How do you find the “Save Energy, Think Ecology” notes next to the light switches in the common areas? Very Helpful/ Helpful/ Indifferent/ Unhelpful/ Very Unhelpful
13. How would you find automated time switches to be used instead of normal switches? Very Unhelpful/ Unhelpful/ Indifferent/ Helpful/ Very Helpful
14. How would you rate the look of the green area around the parking? Very Unpleasant/ Unpleasant/ Indifferent/ Pleasant/ Very Pleasant
15. Would you like the interior of Residence D'Epinay to be redesigned by professionals? Yes / Indifferent / No
Conseil Syndical 16. Do you know the role of the Conseil Syndical?
17. What do you think of the idea of having a half-year dinner/cocktail for co-owners? Support / Indifferent / Unsupportive
18. What would you like to see in Residence D'Epinay? ....................................................................................................
19. How can the CS President help you? ....................................................................................................
20. Would you be interested in helping the Conseil Syndical? (You can also write to us and tell us how on:
Questionnaire- Part 1 of 2
Co-owner residing in Building
Co-owner not residing in Building
Co-owner’s relative residing in Building
1. Are you aware of the role of the Syndic?
Yes/ No
2. How would you rate the performance of the Syndic thus far?
Very Poor/ Poor/ Indifferent/ Strong/ Very Strong
3. Do you have the contact details of the Syndic?
Yes/ No
4. Are you satisfied with the communication level of the Syndic?
Yes/ Indifferent/ No
5. What would you like to see from the Syndic?
6. How would you rate the security infrastructure of the building?
Very Poor/ Poor/ Indifferent/ Strong/ Very Strong
7. What do you think of the idea of a structurally pleasant security gate for the front entrance of the building?
Very Good/ Good/ Indifferent/ Bad/ Very Bad
8. What do you think of the idea of resurfacing both parkings by professionals?
Very Good/ Good/ Indifferent/ Bad/ Very Bad
9. How would you rate the security personnel of Residence D'Epinay?
10. Would you have any specific suggestions with respect to security? ....................................................................................................
Questionnaire- Part 2 of 2
11. How would you rate the cleanliness of Residence D'Epinay?
Very Clean/ Clean/ Indifferent/ Dirty/ Very Dirty
12. How do you find the “Save Energy, Think Ecology” notes next to the light switches in the common areas?
Very Helpful/ Helpful/ Indifferent/ Unhelpful/ Very Unhelpful
13. How would you find automated time switches to be used instead of normal switches?
Very Unhelpful/ Unhelpful/ Indifferent/ Helpful/ Very Helpful
14. How would you rate the look of the green area around the parking?
Very Unpleasant/ Unpleasant/ Indifferent/ Pleasant/ Very Pleasant
15. Would you like the interior of Residence D'Epinay to be redesigned by professionals?
Yes / Indifferent / No
Conseil Syndical
16. Do you know the role of the Conseil Syndical?
17. What do you think of the idea of having a half-year dinner/cocktail for co-owners?
Support / Indifferent / Unsupportive
18. What would you like to see in Residence D'Epinay?
19. How can the CS President help you?
20. Would you be interested in helping the Conseil Syndical? (You can also write to us and tell us how on: